

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific


Science exact Department

Organize : 

1st International Conference on
Renewable Materials and Energies


October 26-27, 2022, OUARGLA-ALGERIA

About the conference

Nowdays, our world is witnessing a great development in various fields of technology and energy transformation towards new-green nanomaterials and various kinds of renewable energies are continously developped.

Seeking for new materials, eco-freindly prepared without harmufl reagents is now a challenging task and also the aim of several research laboratories.

The synthesis and the phyiscal-chemical study of these materials contribute to the development of new renewable energies.

Aims and objectives

The conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges as well as solutions adopted in the fields of Materials Synthe- sis, Characterization and Processing.

The conference aims to discuss the latest challenges in the field of renewable materials and also an opportunity to analyze in detail the advancement in the field of renewable energies.

The event is also an opportunity for researchers to approach their ideas and discuss topics related to the fields of the physical characteristic of renewable nanomaterials.
This conference will include, emerging research related to materials, nanotechnology, environment and other interesting topics.

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